Friday, February 15, 2019

Idea Napkin No. 1

1. I'm Abigail Udongwo, and my talents are to entertain people and keep them happy. I am skilled at managing items and keeping track of money. I aspire to have a profound impact on people and improve the quality of many lives. If I were to start this business, it would keep me occupied and productive and would prompt me to dedicate myself to it to keep customers feeling great.

2. I plan to serve my customers with a more convenient and creative way to get their coffee: a coffee superstore. It will have all things related to coffee and untypical things for coffee to add some fun to drinking coffee.

3. My customers would be those who need coffee to function early in the day for long hours and also those who just desire coffee as a treat. Both of these groups have a steady relationship with coffee as it is part of their regular diet.

4. Customers will pay money for my products because they are made at their convenience and are served differently than other coffee products in the sense that my products offer more than an average coffee experience with taste, aesthetics and personality.

5. No one else has a store designated to just coffee with a plethora of selections. I have a desire to make complacent people more satisfied than they thought they could already be with coffee.

I think all these elements fit together; they don't fit perfectly, but they are still good pairs. My business idea is weak in the sense that there isn't an urgent/clearly evident problem with the coffee industry since people are mostly happy with how the system today works. However, I feel that with my coffee superstore and all the different elements it will entail, that people will appreciate the new innovation.

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