Friday, April 19, 2019

Final Reflection

Putting a lot of work into some of my posts like the first venture concept and forgetting to post the links sticks out to me. I'll remember how embarrassing all my elevator pitches are for years. My most joyous experience was creating my prototypical customer's avatar. I'm proud of developing a feasible idea. I don't think I've developed an entrepreneurial mindset but I have moved closer to doing so. I recommend future students pay attention the lectures to learn about the entrepreneurial process rather than just completing assignments solely. To perform best, they need to do their work on time properly, watch the past lectures and attend their workshop. To foster that mindset, they need to have a goal of where they want to be in the field of entrepreneurship for them to get the most out of this class. 

Image result for entrepreneurship

1 comment:

  1. Hi Abigail,
    I totally understand you as I once put the wrong link out there too. I remember How freaked out I was since there is only 100 point in this class and that suddenly takes 2 away! Due to that incident, I was nervous throughout this course and being very cautious about not only put the link but put the RIGHT link. Thankfully that didn't happened again and it seems like I nailed an A eventually. Well hope you have a great rest of the year and HAPPY SUMMER!


Final Reflection

Putting a lot of work into some of my posts like the first venture concept and forgetting to post the links sticks out to me. I'll remem...