Friday, April 12, 2019

Reading Reflection No.3

    The theme of this book is to explain different ways of thinking and approaching problems, which can be and is applied to how entrepreneurs determine and make smart and efficient business moves.  Kahneman specifically focused on the two systems, fast thinking and slow thinking (their importance in situations) that are used to further explain the other themes: human irrationality, where rationality and intelligence are differentiated and how they differ in terms of decision making and overconfidence, that mentions confidence in relation to decision making. This book coincides with this entrepreneurship course as we learn how to approach different situations from an entrepreneurial mindset and standpoint. An exercise I’d design for the class would be for the students to be given a certain situation and use the tips from the book to work through them. The biggest surprise I got from this book was how it was directly related to entrepreneurship, but I understood the implications of the book in relation to the course.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey Abigail,
    I found it really interesting how the author spoke about different ways of thinking and how it can be related to other elements of human behavior. I definitely agree that this book works with what we have been learning in this course about approaching different situations with different mindsets and perspectives. I also feel like the exercise you described would be beneficial to the students taking this course.


Final Reflection

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