Friday, January 25, 2019

Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

1. China's economy is slowing

  • China's economy has been expanding a lot slower than usual due to their contributors not being as productive. There is an opportunity here since the contributors can become more productive or China can find successful contributors as of now. China would be the customer, seeking contributors. This opportunity would probably be hard to exploit because if finding new contributors/making the current ones more efficient was easy, China's economy would be back to normal by now. 
  • This problem doesn't seem impossible to solve, so I saw the opportunity in it. I have no experience in solving something like this, just optimism. 

2. U.S. Healthcare Issues

  • Healthcare in the U.S. has posed many issues for Americans from how expensive it is to the quality of care. There is an opportunity here since other countries are in better positions in terms of healthcare than the U.S., so there must be a way to improve. The U.S. government would be a customer since they deal with healthcare. 
  • This opportunity won't be easy to exploit but if changes are made now, then improvements should be seen in the near future.

3. European migrant crisis

  • Europe has been receiving irregular amounts of immigration from the Middle East and Africa. There is an opportunity here to allocate portions of the immigrants to different European countries rather than large amounts only to a few countries, as this article mentions a few countries the immigrants move into. The European Union heads would be customers to figure out ways to spread the immigrants more thoroughly throughout Europe to avoid too much complication.
  • This opportunity I believe wouldn't be too difficult exploit but there may be major consequences as a result.

4. Burning of fossil fuels

  • There has been an ongoing issue with the effects of burning fossil fuels for a while now. Carbon emissions are increasing and global warming is worsening. There is an opportunity here to set stricter rules on limiting fossil fuels, more efficient enforcement on those limits. The U.S. government would most likely be a customer since U.S. residents have such large carbon footprints. 
  • This opportunity would be hard to exploit but worth it to mitigate the damage done on Earth.

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