Friday, January 18, 2019


1. When showering in my dorm, the water always seeps out onto the bathroom ground

  • The edge of the shower isn't high enough to prevent the water from running on the floor.

2. The elevator in my recently built dorm operates very slowly

  • The system operating the elevator isn't updated (only one of the elevator doors is accessible)

3. I miss the bus very easily, even though I track it.

  • The bus tracker isn't 100% accurate and doesn't alert me when it arrives at the nearest and correct stop. Also the next available bus takes 20-30 minutes to arrive at the stop I’m at.

4. I can't recycle my items easily

  • There are no recycling bins provided in my dorm and the main recycling bin is located downstairs with no shoot that leads to it

5. It takes me 15 minutes to walk from my dorm to my classes

  • My dorm is located a bit off campus

6. I cannot bake foods in my dorm building

  • The dorm doesn't provide an oven 

7. My refrigerator/freezer freezes a lot of my refrigerated food

  • My refrigerator/freezer is small and there is not much of a separation between the freezer and refrigerator

8. There are limited crosswalks on the street, causing me to walk extra distances to get to my intended destination

  • Gainesville/UF designed the layout of the city/campus and where to put crosswalks

9. The nearest exits of the hallway that my dorm is located in, are many steps away from my dorm room.

  • My dorm is situated in the middle of the extended hallway, so I'm not that close to any exit

10. The roads of Gainesville are so narrow I feel like I'll hit another car while driving

  • Gainesville council/landscapers designed the city to accommodate many people due to it being a college town, so instead of big roads, there are narrow roads and a plethora of parking spaces on the side of the streets

11. There are limited parking spaces at convenient store

  • Many of the stores surrounding UF are average sized, meaning the parking lot space is limited, which makes it hard to find parking

12. UF SNAP drops me off at the back and leaves immediately, rather than the safe front of my LLC

  • The SNAP drop off/pick up location sign is at the back of my LLC

13. UF cleaning staff barely cleans my bathroom

  • The staff is lazy (maybe because they are assigned too many rooms to clean)

14. My backpack gets heavy very easily and hurts my back

  • The backpack doesn't have enough cushion to support all my items and not hurt my back

15. Drop/Add period isn't long enough to see if a class is right for me

  • The university only permits one week to revise schedules

16. The walk to my car is too far from my dorm

  • The university doesn't have parking for kids in my dorm, must find alternative/affordable parking 

17. My shoes rub harshly against my toes when I walk

  • The material used for the shoe is rough

18. The thermostat doesn't have a 'right' temperature

  • It doesn't have more temperature options (i.e. 75.6 degree Fahrenheit)

19. When closing my garbage shoot, trash particles disperse onto my face

  • Trash is often thrown in the shoot and dust particles form and build up from the trash

20. I must press the traffic button to be allowed to walk even when its my right of way

  • The traffic button was designed to be pushed rather than automatically allow people to walk 
Reflection: My "bugs" all stem from being a college student here at UF, living in Infinity Hall. I don't think about these bugs too intensely but when I took time to identify them, it simple listing specific annoyances I have throughout my daily life with goods and services. When coming up with the list, I had some bugs that weren't related to goods or services, so I had to change them to align with the assignment. Other than that, I had no problem identifying issues.

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